Knights of Columbus Duchesne Council #2951
Duchesne Council is family oriented organization which is very active in support of those in need. The council, with the support of the Ladies Auxiliary, sponsors the Valley of Flowers, Spring and Fall Meat Shoots, Tootsie Roll Drive, Washer Tournaments, Family Fun Night, Movie Night, Trivia Night, and many more activities. Join us in family activities to help those in need and to have some fun doing it.
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Council 2951 was formed 11 December 1945 at St. Mary’s Church in Bridgeton. In 1950, the meetings were moved to Fran Hanley’s Market in Berkeley. About a year later in 1951, the Council purchased the residence on Graham Road in front of what is now Manion Park. The Council held its meetings and activities there until 1963. The Council then purchased several acres and a building next to what is now the Old Saint Ferdinand Shrine at 50 St Street. The council is exceptionally active and also has a very energetic Ladies’ Auxiliary that supports all that we do. Our council is currently about 525 strong. Our Ladies’ Auxiliary has recently grown to about 120 vibrant members.
In our history, we have had about 52 Grand Knights. Some of our early leaders include: Ray Hopfinger, Ralph Sellers, Joe Schmershal leading to our current Grand Knight Richard Harrod. Men in our Council have served at the local and the State Level. We are proud of our leaders and their role in guiding the Council.
The council is rooted in its tradition of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. We have and will continue to participate in the annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” to help the handicapped. Our grounds are a major site for the Florissant “Valley of Flowers” Festival each spring. It takes the energy of most of our Council and Auxiliary to manage these events. It is “all hands on deck” and no one shrinks from the challenge.
We conduct Meat Shoots in the Fall and the Spring. The proceeds of these events go to buy thousand of dollars of food for the Needy in our local Florissant area for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. In addition to these major multi-day events, our Council and Auxiliary conduct Communion Mass and Breakfasts, host the annual Memorial Mass for our deceased Knights and Ladies, sponsor young men and women studying for the Religious life, and gather monthly at our “Pot Luck” dinners. We are proud of our “bragging wall” that holds our many awards and recognitions over the years including the Columbian Award, the Father McGiveny Award, our Tootsie Roll Awards, Star Council (a rare treat not easily earned). We hold an annual Pig Roast to thank everyone for their hard work that keeps the Council and Auxiliary thriving.
Our members represent the Knights in Softball, Bowling, Golf, and Horseshoe Leagues and the State Tournaments. We have a monthly publication, The Chatter, which is e-mailed to those who request it. The Charity Committee keeps an alert eye out for members and others in need of financial or material assistance. Our Home Association works tirelessly to provide maintain our buildings and grounds so that we are able to have a place for all these events.
The Knights and the Ladies’ Auxiliary represent the Living Body of Christ in all that they do and who they are. Come join us any time!
Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. The Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Order is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family. It was on these bedrock principles that the Order was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.
If you want to join this great organization of Catholic men, contact our membership director Ray Olson at (314) 831-8210. You will find brother Knights working to fulfill the central mission of the Order: striving in charitable works; serving the Church and unified in following its teachings; supporting brother Knights in their temporal and spiritual needs; acting for the good of their country; and giving aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the poor. This is Father McGivney’s dream, echoing across the century, and living today in the hearts of his brothers and all of those they touch.
For information about the Knight of Columbus including information about it’s founder, history, membership benefits, and the principals that entail being a Knight please visit our official site at