YPG News for March 2017
I would like to introduce myself as the Chair of the Young Professionals Group (YPG) and Jon Vogt as Co-Chair. YPG is open to members and their employees 21-40 years old, who share our mission, to grow as Young Professionals and give back to the community.
Please join us at our bi-weekly meetings – the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 11:30 am at Cugino’s Restaurant. Please call the office (314) 831-3500 or register online at greaternorthcountychamber.com so that we may give Cugino’s an idea of how many people there will be. Each person is responsible for buying their own lunch.
The YPG is proud to host our first event: A Night at the Blues Game! Tuesday, April 4th at 7 pm. The St. Louis Blues will face off against the Winnipeg Jets. Tickets are in section 123 and are $55 each. There are only 10 sets of tickets remaining. If you would like tickets, call Jaime at the Chamber office (314) 831-3500.
Follow us on Twitter– @GreaterYPG
We look forward to seeing you at the next lunch!
Dr. Adam Howell
YPG Chair