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HomeNewsSt. Rose Philippine Duchesne Students Celebrate Earth Day

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Students Celebrate Earth Day

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Students Celebrate Earth Day

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Students celebrated Earth Day with an art show opening reception on April 21 at Good Shepherd Gallery in Ferguson (252 S. Florissant Rd). Sr. Glynis Mary McManamon is the artist and proprietor of the gallery, and she worked with art teacher Mrs. Deb Arnold to make the show a reality. The school is living up to the example of its namesake “pioneer” Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. “One of the things I wanted to do was invite communities and youth-oriented art into the space, and these folks are the pioneers; St. Rose stepped up to do it,” said Sister Glynis Mary. The art show will remain in Good Shepherd Gallery through May 6 and is open to the public.

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