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HomeNewsChair’s Letter – January 2022

Chair’s Letter – January 2022

Chair’s Letter – January 2022

Happy New Year Chamber Members & Friends!

Collectively and individually we have entered 2022 believing the best is yet to come.  With strength and experience gained from previous years along with a determined spirit, we face 2022 with high hopes and a full agenda.

The privilege to serve as your new Chairman is an honor I do not take lightly.  However, I must admit following the footsteps of our awesome Past-Chairman, Attorney Richard “Rick” P. Dorsey, will challenge me to maintain the standard of leadership the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce is accustomed to.  We appreciate Mr. Dorsey for successfully leading us in 2021. We all recognize the accomplishments and achieved goals would have never taken place without the most capable staff (Venus, Jaime and Danielle).  When I asked the staff how they are able to pull off such enormous tasks; their answer is “because of such dedicated Event Chairs and members”.  Who could argue with such a true response?  2021 Committee & Event Chairs rocked another calendar filled year!   I would be remiss if I did not recognize 2021 Nite Of Stars Chair, Kitty Harrison.  The event was not only mind blowing but also made history as the best ever.

I look forward to working with the 2022 Board of Directors with great anticipation.  You are encouraged to introduce yourself and become acquainted with this most engaging group of community business representatives.  As a Chamber member, you directly contribute to the growth of an outstanding business environment that receives national recognition.  Daily, we are proud to facilitate success, talent and innovation in our community.

This Chamber is a partnership of business and professional people working together to make your community a better place for everyone to live and work.  I need your help to continue what we have started.  Please challenge yourself to join one of our many event planning committees, become an Ambassador, join one of our Leads groups or maybe even suggest a new idea.  I guarantee you will not be the only “1st Timer” attending.  This Chamber is available to promote and support businesses.  I encourage you to attend our monthly luncheons, business after hours (so much fun) and all of our special events.  We are here for you.  You are the Chamber!  We are making history, will you please join us?

Carl Lathan
Chairman of the Board

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