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HomeNewsChair’s Letter – August 2020

Chair’s Letter – August 2020

Chair’s Letter – August 2020

Another July is in the books; August here we come!  Things are most definitely quite different at my house than last year.  Instead of the children debating what to wear on the first day of school, they are gearing up for virtual learning from home.  My daughter asked if she will be able to spend the school day in her pajamas and if I have already prepared the breakfast and lunch menu for the month.  The answers are no and no, but I’m guessing I better get started on the latter.  Routines are different all around, and we must adapt to come out ahead and with our sanity.

As we close in on the last few months of the year, I can’t help but think of the upcoming cold and flu season.  Because we are all wearing masks and cleaning efforts have been ramped up, one would assume that the season won’t be as aggressive as previous years.  Let’s not become too lax and continue to participate in preventative methods to decrease the spread of these viruses and others.  These methods include getting your annual flu shot and any other immunizations that are due.  That’s right!  August is Immunization Awareness Month, and your favorite pharmacist wants to keep you healthy.

A big thank you to all who participated in and donated to our Annual Trivia Night.  It was a huge success.  Who knew that “socially distanced” trivia could be so much fun!  Also, thank you to all who made it to the July luncheon.  The crowd was small but mighty.  We will transition back to virtual monthly luncheons and network meetings until further notice.  It is our wish for everyone to remain safe and healthy.  To adhere to social distance and safety guidelines, our Annual Scholarship Bowl has been postponed.  Please stay tuned for the new date and time.  Visit the chamber website at www.greaternorthcountychamber.com for updates on news and events.  The Chamber team is busy and ready to assist our members.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or ideas.  We are here for you.  Be safe and healthy!

Dr. Misty C. Farr, Pharm.D.
Greater North County Chamber Board Chair

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